A leader in the iconic faces for the Mortal combat franchise, “Scorpion” is the Alias of Hanzo Hasashi, formerly one of the finest warriors of the shirai Ryu, a Japanese Ninja Clan. After he was killed by Sub-Zero, a member of a rival Clan of Chinese assassins known as the Lin kuei, Scorpion became a hellspawned Revenant residing in hell (later the ethereal) and seeking vengeance against those responsible for the destruction of his Clan and the Death of his family, including his wife and his son. Although essentially neutral in allegiance, Scorpion will join forces with anyone who can assist his plans for revenge.
7in, Action Figures, McFarlane Toys, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 11, Video Games
McFarlane Mortal Kombat Scorpion 7 inch Action Figures
7″ Action Figure